Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Readings For Week Two

1. Computer Hardware: Wikipedia
This wikipedia article explained the different parts of a computer and how they worked. I've had a previous computer science class that went into some detail on this topic but not as much on how the parts worked together. It was interesting the inside of the system unit. In the discussion of the fan cooling the CPU, I was reminded of my first laptop which died due to overheating and also a virus that OIT had never seen before.

2. Moore's Law Wikipedia and Video:
This article was a wikipedia entry on Moore's law and a video explaining it. I understood the concept of Moore's Law a lot better after I watched the video. I am still not entirely sure how all of these transmitters can keep getting smaller and smaller and still produce the same results but I'm not much of a computer person. I also do not think I would want a cell phone the size of a paperclip. I would definitely lose it somewhere. Aren't bluetooths kind of like that though? I hate when someone is talking on one of those and I think they are talking to me and say hi but they are actually on the phone. I feel really stupid.

3. Computer History Museum:
The Computer History Museum was especially interesting to me. The evolution of a computer from a large room-sized machine to being able to fit in the palm of your hand is fascinating to me. I looked in particular at the evolution of the apple computer. I liked looking at the old ads and what computers looked like then. It is amazing to think that in such a short time, they have advanced to what they are now.


  1. Hi,

    I liked your review of the Week Two readings. I had a hard time summarizing the material because I felt we hadn't really read that much (and it was to technical for me). But you did a great analyzing and thinking about each article we read .... even the Computer History Musuem website one! And I also love how you engage your reader by telling first hand accounts into each reading. I laughed out loud a couple of times.

  2. Hello,

    I totally agree that the Moore's Law video really helped to clarify the actual theory, especially with the visual demonstrations. Taking what the video showed and then going to the Computer History Museum website was also eye opening for me. Looking at the computer restoration projects in comparison to the technology littering my desk, ipod, cellphone, hard drive, was certainly awe-inspiring.
